Help #FlattenTheCurve with free COVID-19 email signature templates

Help #FlattenTheCurve with free COVID-19 email signature templates

If you want to do your part to help #FlattenTheCurve, you can use our free email signature templates. They include dedicated static and animated banners with WHO-based guidelines on how to help limit the spread of coronavirus. Click the links below to get more info about each COVID-19 email signature template, download it or customize it using our free email signature generator. Either way, you’ll get instructions on how to implement the selected signature in the most common email clients and platforms.

Help flatten the curve with free covid-19 email signatures
Help fight COVID-19 - signature template 1
Help fight COVID-19 - signature template 2
Help fight COVID-19 - signature template 3

Each download file includes various banner designs to help you choose the one that best fits your logo or corporate identity. In addition, the banners come in both animated and static versions. See all styles and color variations below:

Help fight COVID-19 banner 1
Help fight COVID-19 banner 2
Help fight COVID-19 banner 3
Help fight COVID-19 banner 4
Help fight COVID-19 banner 5

Spreading information about good health-related practices helps everyone narrow the spread of coronavirus. Moreover, linking the banner to the official WHO site directs your recipients to a reliable source of information.

Don’t be indifferent, the current situation affects everyone. Follow health recommendations, spread the word and stay safe.

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6 thoughts on “Help #FlattenTheCurve with free COVID-19 email signature templates

  1. joseph

    Thank you for this bundle!
    Is it possible to create a signature here using your templates and get a PDF copy or a URL link that I can use elsewhere (not Gmail, outlook etc)?
    Also, is it possible to create a signature for clients and how do I go about it?

    1. Kamil Glaser Post author

      Hello Joseph,
      If you are using the free email signature generator, you can pick Thunderbird as your email platform – it allows you to generate the HTML code of the signature. You can copy it to notepad and save it as a html file. This allows you to store and send it to whomever you want. If you need instructions on how to set up the signature in various email clients, you can find them here.

    1. Kamil Glaser Post author

      Banners and templates are free for both business and personal use. You can freely use them in your email signatures.


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