How to create a perfect Human Resources email signature

How to create a perfect Human Resources email signature

How to create a perfect Human Resources email signature

[Update]: This blog post was updated on June 29, 2020.

Email signatures and disclaimers play a very important role in email communications. Conversations without well-designed signatures can be hard to follow, and therefore cause misunderstanding and general visual chaos. A Human Resources email signature should be designed with particular care, as it is often responsible for the long lasting first impression of the organization.

Colors of your email signature

For the Human Resources email signature, as for any other, the best practice is to stick to your corporate colors to strengthen the corporate visual identity. Following the company branding guidelines will also guarantee the professional and consistent look across different communication channels. However, if you need to choose some different colors to your HR email signature, it is better to use something neutral, with no vivid hues. Using too bright or too many colors can distract the users from the job offer or contact information used in the email signature.

See an example below of a well-balanced email signature template that you can use for HR email conversations.

Human Resources email signature example

Free Email Signature Generator for HR specialists

User photo gives more human touch

Including your photo in a well-designed Human Resources email signature is a very good practice. The job interview process is stressful. Therefore, it is welcome to use all the means to reduce the stress of job candidates. For example, appending photographs in HR email signatures lets potential employees know that there is a person on the other side. An honest, smiling face shows that there is nothing to be afraid of and it automatically becomes the friendly face of the organization itself.

Information necessary to contact you back

This section of your email signature is particularly important. Full contact details, physical address and email address must be easy to find for those who search for it. You can also include a link to your website with all the details regarding the job interviewing process in your company and current job offers.

Of course, make sure that all the offers and provided data on the website are up to date. Otherwise your potential candidate might find it misleading and not professional. And if anything has been updated on the website, make sure it is also updated in your email signature, if needed.

Note: If email signature updates overwhelm your IT department, it is possible to delegate signature management rights to non-admin users.

The following email signature template has been updated with three links to company resources (About the company, First steps in your career, and Check newest job offers). Including such links in your signature definitely shortens the communication distance between you and your potential employee.

Human Resources email signature example

Recruitment in the home office era

Although we might think that during the lockdown the world stopped, it actually didn’t. Many companies are continuing their recruitment processes by all the means available. So if your company is also recruiting during this difficult times, it is a good idea to use your Human Resources email signature to announce how this process is handled in your company. When all the job interviews are online, you can also include a link to the Zoom or Microsoft Teams meeting to let an interviewee quickly reach out to you. It’s also a good idea to stay in touch with candidates by using popular chat communicators like WhatsApp or Messenger and answer their questions right away. This may be seen as a great way to shorten the distance between you and your future employees especially in times of social distancing.

You may also find useful adding an “Apply now” button to your signature template. This will ease and speed up the process of collecting job applications and hunting new talents. See the following email signature template for an inspiration:

Human Resources email signature example

If you want to check more free email signature templates, visit this online template library or email signature generator.

Email signatures managed via software

As it usually requires a lot of effort and time to manually maintain standardized and personalized email signatures across the organization, you can always ease the process with a third-party solution for central email signature management. It ensures that your corporate identity is visible in every email correspondence helping you reach more business opportunities.

See also:

3 thoughts on “How to create a perfect Human Resources email signature

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