9 thoughts on “How to set up an email signature depending on an email address in Outlook 2013?

    1. Kamil Glaser

      In our email signature generator? You can leave the default option (Outlook) and the generated signature should be fine for ZOHO.

  1. Richard

    Doesn’t work. The signature refuses to appear with the specified address, and instead appears only with the primary address

    1. Kamil Glaser

      Could you specify the Outlook version you are using? I’ve just tested it in Outlook 2013 and Outlook 365 ProPlus. In both clients, changing the from field, while creating an email, changes the signature to the one assigned for a specific account.

      1. Sangeet Malhotra

        Dear Kamil,

        I am also facing the same problem. I have got two mail addresses but signatures are getting linked to only one e-mail and other id is not appearing.

        1. Kamil Glaser

          Can you confirm that you have those two email addresses listed in Outlook File > Account Settings > Account Settings > Email? Or are there two separate Outlook profiles you are using?

    1. Kamil Glaser

      Hi Vivek,
      First, here’s a detailed guide written specifically for shared mailboxes. If you don’t see the shared mailbox in the email account dropdown, it might be a permission issue. You might need full access permission for the shared mailbox for it to appear.


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