We are proud to announce that our ultimate email signature blog (mail-signatures.com in case you were wondering) has just gained a feature which makes it even more… ultimate. Mail-signatures.com now lets you generate your own email signatures thanks to the release of a brand new signature generator. Using the generator is the easiest and the quickest way to get a professional email signature. It is not the only email signature generator on the Web, but still it is one of a kind. Here’s why.
Professional email signature designs
There are two properties an email signature needs to be professional. The first is its design – attractive graphics, clear layout, well organized data – all elements are very important. But without a proficiently written html code, even the best design will not look well. Fortunately, our email signature generator creates signatures which are both appealing and written in well formatted html code. Thanks to that, you can have a truly professional email signature which includes your contact details and social media icons you can link to your profiles.
If you like a particular design, but think there is too much going on there, you can leave some fields blank. If you do that, the generator will delete the signaling phrases, so that the signature will remain well formatted and will not have any unnecessary spaces or empty fields.
Different email clients/email platforms apply email signatures in different ways. That is why the email signature generator lets you choose from 6 email platforms:
- Outlook
- Outlook on the Web (e.g. in Office 365)
- Thunderbird
- Gmail
- Exchange Server (2007, 2010, 2013 or 2016)
- Exchange Online (Office 365 tenant)
The last two options are particularly interesting, as you can easily generate code with Active Directory placeholders in it. To put it simply, it will save Exchange and Office 365 administrators a lot of time when they want to set up email signature for all users. Normally, you would have to replace all personal data and contact information with the right placeholders, with a good chance of using an invalid macro name. Then, you would have to find the wrong piece of data and amend it, otherwise the signature will not work at all.
How to use the email signature generator
Using the generator is easy and straightforward. You can do it with just a few simple steps:
- Choose the template
- Click on the email platform of your choice
- Enter your personal and/or company data
- Paste links to the graphics you want to have in your email signature
- Enter your disclaimer text and complete fields with your social media links
You can look at a dynamically updated Signature preview at any time. Thanks to that, you will immediately know if something goes wrong or if your graphics do not go well with the whole design.
In case your platform is Exchange or Office 365 with Exchange online, just click replace user data with Active Directory placeholders. Thanks to that, setting up an email signature for many users gets way easier.
Help with setting up email signatures
That is not all, the generator is capable of. The signature you generate has to be applied to your email platform before you can use it. Knowing that sometimes the right configuration can be problematic, we provided instructions on how to set it up. It’s not rocket science, but it is better to know exactly where to find all options than to look for them and waste precious time.
The instructions included in the generator are short and simple. If you prefer a more in-depth tutorials on how to set up email signatures, you can easily find them in our other articles:
- How to create company-wide email signatures and disclaimers in Office 365
- How to set up email signatures on Exchange Server 2016
If you want to have full control over email signatures and disclaimers in your company, add signatures to emails sent from any device insert signatures under latest replies/forwards and much more, check out CodeTwo solutions for:
Very interesting stuff to read.