Tasty banner – a recipe for a perfect signature
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Tasty banner – a recipe for a perfect signature

This free email signature recipe lets you prepare a healthy serving of your company branding for everyone you send emails to.




  • fine-cut contact information*
  • a thick slice of tasty vertical marketing banner
  • a splash of social media icons
  • 2 tbs of good HTML styling for seasoning


*Remember to use only up-to-date ingredients.


Gather all the ingredients and serve the signature to your email client. The easiest way to prepare this signature is to click Edit signature below and set everything up using our free email signature generator. The marketing banner can link to your website, Yelp profile or any other destination. If you’re going to change the default banner, remember that vivid colors are best for making your recipients hungry for more information.


Read how to implement this email signature template in your email client