Our free email signature generator allows you to conveniently create a well-formatted email signature for some of the popular mail platforms. To learn how to use it, follow these steps:
- Choose an email platform
- Select a signature template
- Fill in your signature template
- Replace the default graphics
- Change style
- Social media links
- Remember my details
- Apply your signature
- Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)
Choose an email platform
The free email signature generator lets you choose from the following email platforms:

Depending on the platform, the output signature will be available:
- in the HTML format (applies to: Thunderbird, Exchange Server, Exchange Online)
- to be copied to the clipboard (applies to Outlook, New Outlook, Outlook 365, Gmail, Apple Mail).
After you design your email signature, you will get step-by-step guidelines on how to apply it to the chosen mail platform.
Select a signature template
The preview is displayed directly below (or at the bottom, if you view this page on a mobile device).

The email signature generator comes with various types of signature templates, including both simple, minimalistic designs and templates with photos, banners, logos, and social media links. You can change your template anytime.
Fill in your signature template
To create your own email signature, you need to replace the default information with your own details:

Depending on the selected signature template, different sections and fields are available. These fields include sample data, so you need to replace this data with your own. Our generator keeps the information you provide, so you can switch between different signature templates during the editing process (the signature details are removed when you close or refresh the page in your web browser).
If you don’t want to include certain fields in your email signature, simply clear all data from these fields. Blank fields do not appear in the signature preview. For example, if you don’t want to include a mobile phone number in your signature, clear all data from the Mobile number field.
If you selected Exchange Server or Exchange Online as your email platform, a Replace user data with Active Directory placeholders button appears at the bottom. Use it to replace some of the fields (such as name, phone number, or company) with Active Directory placeholders (like %%FirstName%% etc.). When an email is sent, these placeholders are filled with unique information pulled from the Active Directory of the email sender. Learn more
Some signature templates include graphical elements such as banners, photos or company logos. You can configure them in the Graphics section.

Replace the default graphics
The next step is to replace the default graphics with your own.
- Choose an image that suits the selected signature template, especially when it comes to size and shape. For example, if the selected template has a rectangular, horizontal logo, it will probably look bad if you use a vertical logo instead. For some graphics, the generator shows hints that help you optimize the format and appearance of your email signature.
- Upload the image to your server, a file hosting service (e.g. Dropbox), or an image hosting service.
- Copy the link to your image to the clipboard. Make sure you are using a direct link to the image, not a shareable link. See our guide on how to get a direct link in some popular image hosting services for details. Usually, it is enough to open the shareable link, right-click the picture and choose the option to copy the image address (see below how to do it in Google Chrome).
- The image link needs to begin with http or https. Test the link by opening it in another web browser and checking if you can see the image.
- Paste the copied link into an appropriate field in the Graphics section. The Signature preview pane will show how the image looks in your signature template.
Change style
The Style section allows you to change the color and type of fonts and vertical/horizontal lines in your signature.

The font color fields correspond to certain blocks of text in the signature and/or vertical or horizontal lines (if they are included in the design). Because different templates have different layouts, the colors may apply to different elements in different signatures. To change a color, click it to open a color picker or type a Hex color code directly. All fonts available under Font style are email signature safe, which means they are displayed correctly on most email clients and devices.
Social Media Links
In the email signature generator, most templates include social media or messaging app icons (buttons). You can set them up so that when anyone clicks, e.g. the Facebook icon in your email signature, they will be redirected to your personal or company Facebook profile. This way, you can increase traffic on your profiles, boost your social media content and increase your credibility by showing your presence and activity. And if you use WhatsApp, Signal or Telegram, you can add a related icon to your signature to provide your recipients with another way to reach you or your company. Here’s how it works:
By default, there are some pre-filled social media links in the generator:

These default URLs are there to show you how the social media icons look in the signature preview. The preview displays only the icons whose fields are not empty in the generator:

Don’t leave those default URLs before you apply your email signature, since they link to non-existent social media profiles.
You can use a maximum of 6 different social media icons in your email signature. The generator doesn’t allow you to use more.
To link the icons to your own social media profiles, paste your social media URLs to the fields of your choice and clear the rest of the fields:

Links to messaging apps, like WhatsApp, can launch a WhatsApp chat with you. Learn how to use WhatsApp links in email signatures
Remember my details
The free email signature generator allows you to save your personal information by selecting the Remember my details checkbox. This allows you to finish working on the email signature you are creating at a later time or to make changes to a signature you have designed and saved earlier without having to re-enter your details.

The saved information includes your personal details, company information, graphics, social media links and the signature template you have chosen. If you make any changes (for example change your banner’s URL address), you will need to deselect the Remember my details checkbox and select it again to save these changes.
If you want to start fresh without using the information you have saved previously, click the Clear button. It will reload the free email signature generator and remove your personal information.

The Remember my details feature saves your details locally in your browser’s cookies. This means that:
- Your signature details will only be saved in the browser you are currently using.
- If you are using your browser in Incognito mode (inPrivate, Private Browsing, etc.), you will not be able to save your details, as these modes clear the cookies when you close the session.
- Removing cookies related to mail-signatures.com will result in deleting your personal details.
Apply your signature
Click Apply your signature to see detailed instructions on how to use the prepared signature in the email platform you’ve selected. If you need instructions for other platforms, change the platform as described in Choose an email platform.
Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)
What are the requirements to use the signature generator?
The only requirement to use the free signature generator is a device with a modern web browser. For the best experience, we recommend using one of the following browsers:
- Google Chrome
- Mozilla Firefox
- Internet Explorer
- Microsoft Edge
What email clients are supported?
Our free email signature generator supports more email clients than those listed in the Choose email platform menu. You can use the generator to create a signature for any email client that supports HTML email signatures, which includes (but is not limited to):
- Microsoft Outlook (any version from Outlook 2000 to Outlook 2019)
- Microsoft Outlook ProPlus,
- New Microsoft Outlook for Windows,
- Outlook on the web,
- Outlook Web Access (OWA),
- Outlook.com,
- Outlook for iOS,
- Apple Mail,
- Opera Mail,
- Thunderbird,
- Gmail,
- Yahoo,
- Outlook,
- AOL,
- Zoho,
- Mail.com
To apply your signature for an email client which is not listed in the email platform list, follow the steps below:
- In the Choose email platform step, choose Outlook (if your email client supports fully parsed email signatures, like e.g. Yahoo does) or Thunderbird (if your email client requires a plain HTML code, like e.g. Outlook for iOS does).
- Personalize your email signature.
- Click Apply your signature, copy the signature and paste it into your email client’s signature editor.
Are signature templates compatible with mobile devices?
Yes, you can use any signature from mail-signatures.com in emails you send to mobile devices. You can also use our templates in emails sent from your mobile client, provided the client supports HTML email signatures.
To get some tips on how to best use our email signatures with iOS devices, consult this article.
To learn more about email signatures on Android devices, see this article.
Why can’t I see the image that I’m linking to?
There are three most probable causes:
- Instead of a direct link to your image you pasted a shareable link; or
- Instead of a link to the image you pasted the image itself, encoded in the base64 format. Confirm that your link starts with http or https, and NOT with data:. Make sure you are copying the link to the image and not the image itself!
- You have used an unsupported image file format or a non-image file format (like PDF). See the question “What are the supported image file formats” below for more details.
Learn more here
What are the supported image file formats?
The supported image file formats are as follows:
- GIF (includes animated GIFs)
While the file formats mentioned above all work with the free email signature generator, it is recommended to use files with either PNG or JPG extensions. Both JPG and PNG image formats are widely supported and usually offer good graphic quality, while having an acceptable file size. Other file formats might work as well, but there is no guarantee they will be correctly displayed in each and every email client after you apply and send your email signature out.
My recipients cannot see images in my email signature. What can I do?
If you can see images in your email signature, but your recipients cannot, there are two most common reasons:
- You are using images hosted on Google Drive – those images no longer work in most email clients. And even if they work, they might cause your email to be flagged as spam. Learn more
- The recipient’s email client is blocking linked (hosted) images. Most email clients do this by default unless the sender is added to the safe senders list.
To make sure your email signatures are not blocked by email clients, you can use an email signature editor to embed those pictures. This option, however, is not possible for the native global email signature option in Exchange and Office 365. If you want your global Office 365 signatures to display images and be branded every time, take a look at CodeTwo Email Signatures for Office 365. For the same functionality in an Exchange server, check out CodeTwo Exchange Rules.
Can I use images from my computer?
You can’t upload images from your computer directly to the generator. You first need to upload them to an online service (e.g. Dropbox, or any other file/image hosting service), and then paste the link to your image into the appropriate field in the generator.
Learn more here
Why my email signature breaks when I paste it into Outlook?
After you paste the signature to the new Outlook for Windows, Outlook on the web, and possibly other email clients, the signature might break. Some of the possible problems with the signature include:
- resized images,
- font size and font family changes,
- whitespace changes.
The problem is caused by the Outlook’s signature editor that changes formatting to the target one. To solve it, switch your email platform to New Outlook and follow the instructions to add your email signature. Long story short, if you drag & drop the signature instead of copying and pasting it, the formatting should be kept intact.
Images that I included don’t look good in the signature template. What can I do?
Different signature templates use graphical elements of different sizes and arrangement. We recommend using images that resemble the sample images in templates. For example, if the original image is a horizontal rectangle, it would probably be best to use an image of the same shape. To provide some help, we have included basic hints regarding the graphical elements (e.g. minimum size of the image) next to input elements for those images, as described here .
Signatures from the generator are not dark mode compatible in Apple Mail. How come?
We’ve tested our email signature templates, as well as emails without signatures, in the Apple mMail’s dark mode and have received inconsistent results. Sometimes, the signatures are converted to dark mode correctly, while sometimes the whole email gets a white background despite the dark mode being turned on. Therefore, we can’t guarantee our HTML email signatures to be fully compatible with the current version of Apple Mail’s dark mode.
Can I change the color of some elements in my signature template?
Yes, you can change the font color and style in the signature. To access the style options, go to the Style section of the email signature generator.
Can I change the color of social media icons?
No, the current version of the signature generator does not allow you to change the color of social media icons in a signature template. However, you can apply the signature to your email client and use its signature editor to replace the social media icons with the ones from another email signature template.
Why can’t I add more than 6 social media links?
That’s a great question. The limit is there on purpose. There is more than one reason why adding more than 6 social media icons to email signatures is a bad practice:
- Increasing the number of social channels makes it less likely for recipients to click any of them.
- Adding too many clickable icons makes email signatures less mobile-friendly.
- You should only link to the profiles you actually use. Linking to an inactive profile that has few followers is a disturbing signal for most people.
- It just doesn’t look good.
To sum up, it’s better to limit yourself to your most important social media profiles. If, despite the warning, you still wish to add more links than recommended, you can add them manually, after applying your email signature.
When inserting a signature template into my Gmail, I get an error saying that the signature is too long
There are two probable causes for this error:
- Your browser adds unnecessary code to the signature while copying it to the clipboard. This often happens when you use the email signature generator in the Microsoft Edge browser. The problem can be solved by using Google Chrome or Mozilla Firefox to generate your email signature.
- You have pasted a base64 encoded image into the form instead of a link to this image. Check if all links to the images that you used start with http or https and NOT with data: Learn more here
How can I save my details so that I don’t have to enter them every time I am working on a signature?
You can save your personal information using the Remember my details option, described here.
How do I share the signature with others?
To share your generated email signature, you can save it as an HTML file and send it to others. This article explains how to do this.
I need an HTML code of the signature
Please choose an appropriate email platform, as described here
I need to copy my signature to clipboard (don’t need HTML)
Please choose an appropriate email platform, as described here
How can I use the generated signature template on other email platforms or devices (Yahoo, mobile devices, etc.)?
We have included instructions for applying the signature template to Outlook, Outlook 365, Gmail, Apple Mail, Thunderbird, Exchange Server, and Exchange Online. If you are using other email platforms, find out first if you need to paste the HTML code of the signature, or the prepared signature itself. Learn more here
It’s not possible for us to include instructions for all email platforms, but we will continue to write articles on how to add signatures to various email platforms.
Do you store or use any data that is provided when generating email signatures using the free signature generator?
CodeTwo does not record, store, use or harvest any of the information that you fill in when using our Free Email Signature Generator. Our website, however, uses ‘cookies’ (for more information, see our Privacy Policy).