Tag Archives: signature

How to create an HTML email signature in Outlook for iOS

[Update]: This article was first published on September 8, 2016. It’s been updated as the steps to set up a signature have changed.

Outlook for iOS is a mobile email client which does its job well. 4.7 rating in App Store proves that users like Outlook for iOS quite a lot. Unfortunately, the default “Sent from Outlook for iOS” signature is almost as cringy as the “Sent from my iPhone” text. Read on to see how to change that “Sent from Outlook for iOS” strapline into a professional HTML email signature.

How to set up email signature in Outlook for iOS

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How to add social media buttons to email signature

How to add social media buttons to email signature

[Update]: This blog post was updated on October 18, 2019.

The popularity of social networks is slowly but surely surpassing old-school means of communication. As a result, it is becoming quite normal to have your own or your company’s email signature contain not only a name, phone number, email address and website, but also links to Facebook, Twitter, LinkedIn and other social media profiles.

Email signature block with social media buttons

It is easy to just add a hyperlink to your email signature, but a button with the logo of a specific social network looks more professional. To add such a button, you need to follow the steps below.

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