Tag Archives: owa

Animated gifs in email signatures

[Update]: This article was last updated on May 31, 2024.

For some people, animated gifs are the essence of the Internet – before them, there was nothing of interest. Gifs have opened our eyes to the magic of ultra-cute, animated kittens, memes and epic fails, to mention a few. But apart from those highly popular and reusable gifs, there is another type – simple animations which in the business world could be deemed as professional. So today, I’ll cover the idea of having animated gifs in email signatures.

Thanks to our atavistic predator instinct, nothing grabs our attention as much as a moving objects next to a static background (that is, regular email content). Animated gifs seem like they are crafted for this purpose exactly. Be careful though, as the line between “attention-grabbing” and “extremely annoying” is finer than you might think.

Animated gifs in email signatures
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How to create an HTML email signature in Outlook for iOS

[Update]: This article was first published on September 8, 2016. It’s been updated as the steps to set up a signature have changed.

Outlook for iOS is a mobile email client which does its job well. 4.7 rating in App Store proves that users like Outlook for iOS quite a lot. Unfortunately, the default “Sent from Outlook for iOS” signature is almost as cringy as the “Sent from my iPhone” text. Read on to see how to change that “Sent from Outlook for iOS” strapline into a professional HTML email signature.

How to set up email signature in Outlook for iOS

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Add Outlook on the web email signatures to all users using PowerShell

Applies to Exchange 2016, Exchange 2013, Exchange 2010 and Exchange Online (Office 365).

In corporate environments central management of email signatures is a must – you don’t want users messing up the company’s image by sending out emails stamped with notes in Comic Sans, lacking crucial contact info, etc.

So it’s a good thing that Microsoft Exchange platforms offer several means of controlling the email footer situation in your network. The most popular one is the Apply disclaimers feature available via Exchange transport rules, which I’ve talked about extensively on this blog (see respective guides for Exchange Online, 2016, 2013, 2010 and 2007).

How to set Outlook Web App signature with image using PowerShell

Another way of deploying email signatures from one place across an Exchange organization, is using the Set-MailboxMessageConfiguration PowerShell cmdlet with the -SignatureHTML parameter.

This method allows you to populate the Email signature box in end-users’ Outlook Web App / Outlook on the Web clients with any type of HTML content: text, tables, images, links, etc.

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