Tag Archives: link

Zoom in on Zoom – online meeting invitations in emails

Online meetings are becoming an increasingly important form of communication between companies and their business partners. One of the popular platforms that enable you to host such online events is Zoom. In this article, we will discuss how to make the most out of your online meetings by effectively inviting everyone you think should attend and keeping them up to date on details using email signatures.

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How to add social media buttons to email signature

How to add social media buttons to email signature

[Update]: This blog post was updated on October 18, 2019.

The popularity of social networks is slowly but surely surpassing old-school means of communication. As a result, it is becoming quite normal to have your own or your company’s email signature contain not only a name, phone number, email address and website, but also links to Facebook, Twitter, LinkedIn and other social media profiles.

Email signature block with social media buttons

It is easy to just add a hyperlink to your email signature, but a button with the logo of a specific social network looks more professional. To add such a button, you need to follow the steps below.

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